Usually you’d be seeing a VOICES FROM THE FIRE post about this time of day….


The year end anthology from Dumpster Fire Press…CHILDHOOD’S END encompassing two concepts..
TWILIGHT OF THE SUPERHEROES an homage to superheroes as well as a tribute to heroism or even how one’s heroes eventually let them down. Quite uplifting isn’t it? Nothing like the golden age visions of childhood being dashed as we enter toward sterile simulation existing adulthood where the only gods we have are a series of numbers pertaining to a set of concepts that usually don’t gel well with collective tangible reality.
WAITING FOR LUCY- let’s talk about that old peanut gallery gang and that loveable blockhead looking for love and friendship in all the wrong people. Whatever happened to him and the gang or even how did life suck your innocence away, be it through the letdown of childhood love or even well growing pains in itself.

It’s been a hell of a first year as I previously stated and it’s time to go on hiatus…

So what does that mean?

VOICES FROM THE FIRE will return next year on JANUARY 2, 2022!

Yes, we will still be accepting submissions.

It won’t be a real hiatus for the fact that I will be working on several 2022 releases for next year but I will be taking time out to write more and recharge my metaphorical batteries…I’m tired as hell.

Individual author titles are still going to be 5-7 a year with more of a focus on anthologies.

We’re going to be looking at various venues for DFP to expand into, via live shows, film and a podcast. This will get in the way of publishing individual authors, it was a tough decision to make but if I want to start paying people for submissions I need to generate more revenue to do so or at the very least generate more exposure so we can get to that point.

God damn, how I miss working on my own writing!

Honestly though, thanks to all the readers, writers, poets and visual artists who have contributed to DFP in 2021…all of you helped create some real magic here…I’m not kidding we’ve created something and it’s going to evolve into something extraordinary.

ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL: whether or not you’ve contributed to any of the publications, the FB group forum or even stop by the site to see what we’ve had going on…you’ve done this and for that I am a grateful and your support has kept us going and we’re not going to let you down…for the most part.

What? It’s like dating you have to expect some sort of dissappointment. Come on, if you’re over 35 you should be used to it by now.

Okay, I found that funny.

Before I sign off for 2021, I’d like to reccomend several book from several Dumpster Fire Press contributors though not these haven’t been published by DFP, we support these authors and the small press, we’re in this together and these are some writers who worked outside of DFP who deserve to be noticed…


EVERMORE BY VOICES FROM THE FIRE CONTRIBUTOR Mihaela Melnic and grandmaster poet Scott Thomas Outlar….it’s exquisite. My words cannot really do it justice so I suggest you check out the synopsis and decide for yourself whether it is worth taking the plunge (and it is).

This hybrid collection of poetry, short stories, and sketches is the daring shout of two unified voices raised on high in righteous fervor in this decade of the new Roaring Twenties, fitting the bill perfectly for what is needed during the fateful age of plague and tyranny. A peek under the cover will help you gain a closer view of what has been transpiring behind the scenes on the global farm – a land where animals and descendants of El cross swords with proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing that have become fattened with greed after skimming from the trough for far too long.

Evermore is a journey for seekers of light, liberty, and justice. With every turn of the page you will find intriguing scenes intricately wrapped up in multiple layers of syrupy half-truths and sterile promises that ooze from the tongue of a villain’s insidious manifesto.

Each act in the script offers deeper insights into an unforgettable tale of amusement, wonder, and disbelief. In the end you’ll be left with your fair share of answers, as well as a few key questions concerning what must come next. What remains to be written in time is left to the discretion of each individual reader to decide through their own will, action, and voice.


FROM DEATH BY PUNK AND VOICES FROM THE FIRE CONTRIBUTOR … URBAN MUSTANG POET LINNET PHOENIX dazzles us and takes us on a transcendant journey of varying emotions and slice of life cinematic scenarious that are harrowing, inspirational and draw one into serious introspection…

Lastly…my best friend in the writing world who is one hell of crime writer and has come into his own as poet in his right (rite? write?) most especially in our first release THE GRIND…ROBERT RAGAN contributor to VOICES FROM THE FIRE, DEATH BY PUNK gives us a glimpse into the world of the white trash criminal underworld and the misguided antics of overly comfortable suburbanites along with some bloody disgusting hints of Jim Thompson’s THE KILLER INSIDE ME with one of the better fiction collections I’ve read in quite some time, published by ALIEN BUDDHA PRESS one of my favorite indie presses around…WHATEVER, WHENEVER, OTHER STORIES

Now after you buy those buy some of our’s…oh, hell no obligation.

I’m about to take this hiatus and run.

Stay surreal

Maybe submit and possibly get published.

See ya’ next…

Published by Mike Zone

Mike Zone is the Editor in Chief of Dumpster Fire Press, co-founder of Deadstar:Control, manager of the band Tail From the Crypt along with being a producer for the record label Paranormal Vinyl Cassettes Hair Extensions. He is the author of Wonderful Turbulence, Fuck You: A Fucking Poetry Chap, & The Earth Was Shaking For Days, Shedding Dark Places (almost), coauthor of The Grind and  Razorville.  A frequent contributor to Alien Buddha Press and Mad Swirl. His work has been featured in:  A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Black Shamrock Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash, Better Than Starbucks, Piker Press, Punk Noir Magazine, Synchronized Chaos, and Cult Culture magazine.

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